What is Data Segmentation?

data segmentation

Data segmentation divides your data into at least two sections, while larger networks with sensitive data may require more divisions. Data should be categorized according to to use cases, information categories, sensitivity, and the amount of access required. After data has been segmented, a segment-specific set of security constraints and authentication guidelines should be defined.

Consider a scenario where a hacker can get past a network’s standard perimeter firewall and discover that the network has bypassed the data segmentation process. In that situation, as opposed to only gaining access to a tiny subset of data within a segment, the hacker now has full access to everything. Data breaches are more likely due to the lack of data segregation. Additionally, it makes it more challenging to locate and prevent the source of the breach across the larger network landscape.

Data segmentation categorizes your data, separates the most sensitive data from the rest, defines that data as your protection surface, and then implements extra security measures around any recognized protected surfaces. The most sensitive data is now safeguarded by additional layers of security safeguards, even if a breach happens.

Why Is The Importance Of Data Segmentation?

Data segmentation has the following main advantages:

  • You will be able to develop complex messaging that is personalized to your target audience and more effectively meets their demands.
  • It makes it simpler to analyze the data in your database, making it easier to find prospective possibilities and problems.
  • Reduces expenses by allowing you to mass-personalize your marketing communications.

How Can You Apply Segmentation To Your Data?

Data quality tools and customer data validation are only two examples of the technology and processes that must be in place for the proper kind of data segmentation to be implemented and for more successful communication with your target audience. This enables you to profile and evaluate your existing information, ensuring that any new data is classified appropriately. High-quality data that is reliable and does not lack fundamental information like name or address is crucial for data segmentation.

Is Data Segmentation Something Your Network Should Apply?

Data segmentation should be implemented no matter how much sensitive information is stored in a network’s systems. Other sensitive information, aside from the more conventional PII and PHI, could become sensitive, destructive information in the wrong hands. Examples include your top B2B clients, customer discussions, and even a rent reduction on your office building.

Data segmentation is essential to understand your inbound and outbound marketing campaigns better and meet anticipated, and unanticipated cybersecurity needs. Here are only a few major justifications for the significance of data segmentation:

  1. Data Segmentation And Zero Trust Networks

Cybersecurity risks, both internal and external, continue to plague businesses. Many businesses are adopting zero-trust architecture and policies or guidelines based on the maxims of believing nothing and proving everything to reduce possible harm.

Data segregation is one of the initial and most crucial tasks in putting a zero-trust network into place. The procedure aids in helping you organize your data and identify who should have access to what information, when, and how, as well as what they should be allowed to access. Data segmentation helps organize and secure data by reducing the total attack surface of your network, defending it from unintentional or intentional internal or external attacks. 

  1. Data Segmentation, IoT, And Edge Security

Now, more devices have access to network data storage and processing, including IoT and edge devices. However, these devices frequently have fewer built-in security and authentication features than cloud data centers. Consider where an unwanted visitor or device gets past your firewall using edge or IoT devices. Then, your data segmentation offers security around your data that IoT and edge device interfaces might not otherwise.

  1. Data Segmentation And Personal Data Protection

Data segmentation design creates safe micro perimeters and authentication requirements around personal data outside of enterprise networks, which means that even if a big network is compromised, further security measures have probably been taken to protect your data. Banks, healthcare facilities, and credit card businesses are among the top industries using data segmentation to protect client privacy and security.

  1. Data Segmentation And Marketing Strategy

Despite not being primarily for the advantage of your marketing and sales staff, data segmentation frequently aids them because the particular information of your clients and prospects has been examined and sorted throughout the process. The organization and security of marketing data have improved, making it easier to interact with clients throughout the buying process while protecting their data at each stage.

Data Segmentation In 5G Networks: The Critical Role

More devices now can access and process data quickly and quickly enough, thanks to the global rollout of 5G. Think of IoT gadgets like smart home hubs, which can now react to requests in seconds. The gadgets can function at the edge of networks, relying on local edge servers to transmit data instead of the cloud’s distant data centers.

Because of how straightforward their user interfaces are, edge devices frequently have fewer intrinsic security capabilities. This increases the attack surface for any data processed or stored on these devices unless IT specialists partition their databases and implement security constraints for each segmented data set.

Segmenting Data for 6G Future

Edge devices and servers may not even be necessary for localized data transfer in the probable future of 6G or cellular technology that surpasses the speed and capacity of 5G. According to numerous analysts, the speed and capacity of 6G, on the other hand, are expected to enable broad device-to-device data transmission.

This innovation speeds up user data access and makes data more vulnerable because almost any device could access your data at any time. Sensitive data organizations might not become aware of a problem until a serious breach occurs on an unidentified, unknown device halfway around the world.

Because not all data access occurs directly in front of our faces anymore, data segmentation is more important than ever in a world with 5G and eventually 6G. From multiple physical and virtual locations, data can be transported, stored, analyzed, and stolen at any moment. However, if your network adheres to strict security regulations and uses data segmentation that is regularly audited and updated, your most critical information will stay behind walls that only authorized users can easily get behind.

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